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Advanced topics include: enzymes in non-aqueous solvents, immobilization techniques, whole-cell transformations, bio-reactors. (Same as PHSX 631.) 1-6 Hours. 3 Hours. Primary focus of course on vehicle design and performance. ARCE 671. Risk Management for Project Managers. Two lectures one hour and fifteen minute lectures per week. Students should follow the policy outlined in the University Senate Rules and Regulations, Section 2, article 2.27. 3 Hours. 3 Hours. 1-4 Hours. LEC. This course provides students with an introduction to the basic mathematical principles that lie behind calculus. OSHA, EPA, etc. The course will also cover numerical and uncertainty issues associated with hydrologic modeling and its application to real world problems. A student must attain a cumulative grade-point average of at least 2.0 in the courses applied toward the degree. LEC. The course also covers a wide range of topics: information and database security, software and computer systems security, network security, Internet and web security. IND. The kinematics of landing gear retraction systems. CE 780. The Department has a GPA requirement for progression in the program. Course Objectives: -Knowledge and understanding the principles of financial planning and management. Prerequisite: Approval of the instructor. Prerequisite: ME 661, ME 861, or equivalent. LEC. Topics selected from heat transfer, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, mechanics, strength of materials, and dynamics. EECS 899. The students are introduced to the curriculum requirements and emphasis options, engineering ethics, basic safety considerations, teamwork, and technical writing. 3 Hours. Electric Energy Production and Storage. It provides a comprehensive review of theory, algorithms, and tools that are used in data science and prepares students to take in-depth following up courses in EECS. Prerequisite: ME 412, ME 455, and ME 501. 3 Hours. C&PE 929. Study of the basic mechanisms that determine the behavior of typical regional flow systems. Students must have an overall college grade-point average of 2.5 or better, with grades of “C” or better in calculus I and any courses in mathematics, science, and engineering taken. Topics covered include transmission lines, space waves, waveguides, radiation, and antennas. Prerequisite: Participation in the University Honors Program, consent of instructor, and approval of the chair required. Heat and Mass Transport in Porous Media. LEC. 3 Hours. Compute the leakage power consumption in a CMOS inverter that is used irn a clock distribution n 526.5 526.5 correct 34.9 – 34.9 incorrect At least one of the answers above is NOT correct. LEC. The time taken for a leave of absence does not count against the time limit for earning the degree. The course will consist of lectures, student presentations, and a term project. C&PE 614. Topics include scopes, parameter passing, storage management, control flow, exception handling, encapsulation and modularization mechanism, reusability through genericity and inheritance, and type systems. LEC. degree in about the same time required for 2 undergraduate degrees. The application of the laws of chemistry, physics, and mathematics to the solution of material and energy balance problems occurring in the process industries. (Same as GEOL 754.) Aircraft antenna integration and design process. Graded on a satisfactory progress/limited progress/no progress basis. Introduction to the design of a simple database structure and a data retrieval language. Fixed point types are presented followed by classes of polymorphism and their semantics. LCA practice helps develop a systems-thinking perspective and a deeper understanding of sustainability. Study of inlets, compressors, burners, fuels, turbines, jets, methods of analysis, testing, performance; environmental considerations. Stress and deflection analysis of aerospace structures using the finite element method. Prerequisite: ME 861. Electronic Circuits III. C&PE 656. ME 882. IT 814. CE 735. Finite and divided differences. First Year Seminar: _____. Topics include: basic cell biology, cancer gene annotation, micro RNA identification, Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) analysis, genetic marker identification, protein-DNA interaction, computational Neurology, vaccine design, cancer drug development, and computational development biology. Prerequisite: CE 562 or equivalent. Prerequisite: EECS 368 or equivalent or consent of instructor. MATH 290 or experience with linear algebra. Prerequisite: ENGL 101, ENGL 102, CE 300 or CE 301. Both biodegradation and public health aspects are included. Introduction to Information and Computer Security. First year seminar topics are coordinated and approved through the Office of First Year Experiences. Topics include state space representation, solutions of linear systems, stability analysis, LQR design, cooperative controller design, etc. We consider water flow, transport of solutes, and density effects (from saltwater or brines). Materials for Transportation Facilities. Uncertainty in expert systems, one-valued approaches: probability theory, systems using Bayes' rule, and systems using certainty theory; two-valued approaches: systems using Dempster-Shafer theory and system INFERNO; set-valued approaches: systems using fuzzy set theory and systems using rough set theory. The main topics covered include: 1) introduction and overview of manufacturing, 2) material properties and engineering materials, 3) traditional and nontraditional manufacturing processes, 4) surface engineering and processing, and 5) energy-related materials and device fabrication. 3 Hours. 3 Hours. The Department has a GPA requirement for progression in the program. Prerequisite: PMGT 816, Project Management-Master of Engineering plan code, PMP Certified. The course includes fundamental calculations and laboratory experiences in material and energy balances and fluid flow. Methods used for inverse dynamics, direct dynamics and simulation are introduced. 3 Hours. AE 509. EPHX 501. A broad review of the major components of marketing and integration of these components, culminating in students developing marketing plans for new or existing products. Co-enrollment in MATH 127 or MATH 147 is strongly encouraged. 3 Hours. ME 962. p-Approximation, Error Estimation, and Other Advanced Topics in the Finite Element Method. The project procurement's place in a supply chain life cycle is covered from needs identification to contract closeout with emphasis on requirements definition, vendor selection, contract negotiation and award, service delivery, and performance monitoring. Current topics of interest will be covered. C&PE 678. 3 Hours. Advanced Operating Systems. Topics of importance and new developments are discussed by aerospace industry representatives and representatives of F.A.A., D.O.T., D.O.D., N.A.S.A., related sciences, and engineering disciplines. Independent Investigation. A study of theory and practical applications of a number of traffic operational and management tools to achieve the convenient, safe and efficient movement of people and goods in urban street networks. CMGT 802. Heat and Mass Transfer. EECS 360. Corequisite: MATH 290, or permission of instructor. 3 Hours NP / N. Study of electricity, magnetism, waves, and optics. Environmental Engineering Laboratory. Topics from the course are applied through open-ended team projects throughout the semester which also give students an introduction to mechanical engineering. Preliminary design project of a complete propulsion system, including the airframe. Technical films. LEC. Prerequisite: C&PE 221 or ME 312; C&PE 325; C&PE 511 or ME 510; and a grade of C- or higher in MATH 220 and MATH 127; or consent of department. Professional ethics are defined and discussed in particular with respect to computer rights and responsibilities. Visualization of knowledge bases. LEC. The purpose of this course is to provide aerospace engineering students with an opportunity to gain more in-depth airplane design education through design work. LEC. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Water Treatment Plant Design. LEC. The activities include one or more of the following: extra meetings outside the classroom, written work, projects, and presentations. Study of the engineering properties of structural materials and their control with emphasis on timber, concrete, and steel. Linear Multivariable Control. Principal concepts in software engineering with a focus on formalism as well as managerial issues; software development models; software process models; software configuration management; software development life cycle activities; project management; planning and estimation; requirements engineering, software architecture, software modular design; software reusability; implementation strategies; testing techniques; software quality assurance; software evolution; metrics and measurements, ethics and professionalism. Appropriate laboratory experience that combines elements of theory and practice is included in each student’s program, together with extensive computer-based experience. Provide an introduction to behavior, analysis and design of timber components and systems. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in the EECS Department. Uses and existing radio-controlled platform, and thus does not require an expertise in fabrication. 3 Hours. Studies will include a monolithic catalyst. 3 Hours. Prerequisite: Programming experience, preferably in Java or C++. 3 Hours. C&PE 611. ARCE 315. Prerequisite: AE 421, AE 508, AE 551, and AE 572. Fundamentals of structural design with reinforced concrete. ME 642. Electrostatic and magnetostatic fields in a vacuum and material media. Supplements Engineering Management students' mathematical skills and knowledge as relevant to career needs. Credits for English composition at a foreign institution of higher education are not accepted for the required English courses in any engineering curriculum. Analog Integrated Circuit Design. Pulsed and CW modes of operation for detection, ranging, and extracting Doppler information. Prerequisite: PHSX 211 and PHSX 216, or PHSX 213; MATH 127; MATH 290; and MATH 220 or MATH 320. LEC. Designs consider economic, uncertainty analysis, as well as conservation, environmental, and professional ethics factors. In this course the ability of the closed-loop system to continue performing satisfactorily despite uncertainties in estimated state variables and/or large variations in the (open-loop) plant dynamics will be investigated. Students will develop a multidisciplinary understanding of chemical, biological and molecular concepts and of the multiscale character of developing and designing processes from the micro level to the macro level. Emphasis is placed on the interrelationship between the physiological traits or microorganisms, and the physical and chemical properties of the contaminants and the treatment environments. This course will lay down the mathematical and theoretical background needed for the analysis and design of robust feedback control systems. LEC. A study of advanced methods for engineering analysis of practical problems utilizing fundamental principles from engineering disciplines. 3 Hours. C&PE 919. EECS 461 or MATH 526 or experience with probability and statistics. C&PE 732. 3 Hours. Contract formation, rights and duties, interpretation, performance problems, disputes, and claims. Materials for Transportation Facilities, Honors. 3 Hours. Also covered are the major governmental electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) regulations and standards that apply to commercial electronic devices and systems. 1-3 Hours. The principles of kinematics and kinetics, with particular attention to engineering applications. Prerequisite: Senior or graduate student standing in Chemical Engineering, or consent of the instructor. Life Cycle Assessment. Planning content is complementary to that of PMGT 817. 3 Hours. Physiological System Dynamics. Prerequisite: Corequisite: CHEM 130 or CHEM 170 or CHEM 190. LEC. Engineering topics include agile, flexible, intelligent, and advanced manufacturing sub-systems; material handling and identification; vendor-specific automation; communication linkage between sub-systems; network and protocol alternatives; and hardware platform alternatives. An introduction to the underlying theory of the finite element (FE) method and its application to linear solid and structural mechanics. Anisotropic plasticity and advanced topics. Not open to electrical engineering, computer engineering, computer science, and interdisciplinary computing majors. If you choose to return at a later date, you must re-apply for admission. Prerequisite: AE 430, AE 545 or consent of instructor. May not be taken for credit by students with credit in CE 477. LEC. Prerequisite: AE 508 or similar, AE 709 or similar, or consent of instructor. FLD. 3 Hours. C&PE 620. Corequisite: EECS 212. Analysis and design of heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, and refrigeration equipment and systems. Implementing numerical algorithms using computer programming will be emphasized, along with the fundamentals of programming, including data typing, branching, and iteration. LEC. LEC. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. The generation of Finite Element meshes in the analysis and simulation of engineering systems. 1-5 Hours. LEC. CE 312. Flow study and model testing. 3 Hours. Municipal Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment. Introduction to parallel algorithms. EPHX 681. Introduction to Digital Computational Methods in Mechanical Engineering. Principles involved in the testing, behavior, and selection of materials for use in the transportation field. Students learn by undertaking a design project using commercial methods and practices. Specific experimental technique covers optical measurements in turbulent flow, microfluidic experiments, and spray and multiphase flow measurement. CE 876. 3 Hours. Topics include principles of virtualization, binary translation, process and system level virtual machines, JIT complication and optimizations in managed environments, garbage collection, virtual machine implementation issues, and virtual machine security. Heat Transport with Phase Change. Principal topics are: information and channel capacity, baseband data transmission, digital carrier modulation, error control coding, and digital transmission of analog signals. The Master of Science (M.S.) Prerequisite: MATH 127, MATH 290, and EECS 168 or equivalent. AE 724. Projects use C++ thread-related tools, OpenMPI, CUDA, and OpenCL. LEC. LEC. ME 760. LEC. EMGT 608. A final summary report must be submitted to the student's major department at the conclusion of each continuous period of employment and may cover more than one sequential semester or summer session. RSH. Fax: 785-864-5445 Topics include transient response, transmission lines, transistors, operational amplifiers, and digital logic. Advanced Airplane Dynamics. 3 Hours. This course applies electromagnetic analysis to high frequency devices and systems where wave propagation effects cannot be neglected. C&PE 676. EMGT 812. Prerequisite: EECS 562. Academic credit is given for the successful completion of advanced flight training beyond the private pilot rating. 0-1 Hours. Topics include cellular telephony, MAC algorithms, wireless PANs, LANs, MANs, and WANs; wireless and mobile Internet; mobile ad hoc networking; mobility management, sensor networks; satellite networks; and ubiquitous computing. (Same as ARCE 647.) (Same as ARCE 644.) 3 Hours. The basic sciences include mathematics, chemistry, and physics and further course work in the earth and life sciences in some of the curricula. Many employers actively seek KU engineering and computer science students. Mechanics of Materials. CE 761. AE 767. LEC. Survey of management challenges in conducting international projects, emphasizing cross-culture issues. Classical theory of structural vibrations. Some knowledge of ArcGIS is desirable. Introductory and advanced topics in biocatalysis with focus on enzymatic reactions. AE 746. ME 890. IND. Models of computations. Structure, operation, and problems of the petroleum industry from a management viewpoint. Prerequisite: Permission of major department. Modeling communication networks using analytic and simulation approaches, model verification and validation through analysis and measurement, and deriving statistically significant results. Prerequisite: AE 545 or AE 546 and AE 571, or permission of instructor. Computer models are developed and used to quantify these processes. Prerequisite: CE 310 and permission of instructor. 3 Hours. Manufacturing, testing, integration, and specification of materials with emphasis on commercial, institutional, and industrial buildings with added honors-enhancement activities. Application of chemical engineering principles, including transport phenomena, reaction kinetics and thermodynamics, to analysis of living systems. Special Topics: _____. System concepts such as compilation and files. LEC. Classical theories of unconstrained and constrained optimization. LEC. Link, network, transport layer protocols, and security are introduced. Properties of porous rocks, reservoir fluids, and fluid saturated rocks. CE 961. EMGT 800. A student with excessive absences may be withdrawn from the course by the dean. 4 Hours. Implementation of Networks. A study of microbial ecology and physiology as they relate to the degradation of environmental contaminants. Prerequisite: ENGL 102 or ENGL 105, MATH 101 or MATH 104, and CHEM 135 or CHEM 175 or CHEM 150. Corequisite: EECS 861. Applied Groundwater Modeling. Prerequisite: ME 510, AE 345, CE 330, or C&PE 511, or consent of the instructor. Once a student has met with an advisor, they should complete their Plan of Study online and submit the plan to their advisory committee for approval. Consultation with an advisor is recommended before making a Plan of Study.   All graduate students, including those enrolled in courses at KU Medical Center and the Edwards campus, must have an approved Plan of Study on file by the beginning of their second semester in the graduate program. LEC. CE 999. Study of fluid flow in subsurface hydrologic systems. Prerequisite: CE 477 or CE 479 or equivalent, calculus, and five hours of chemistry. LEC. Intended for students graduating the following calendar year. Senior Design Laboratory I. Basic concepts and techniques in the design and analysis of high-frequency digital and analog circuits. LEC. LAB. Not open for credit to students with credit in CE 412 or CE 413. Prerequisite: ME 311 and ME 320 or equivalent. Career development is emphasized. Lagrange's equations and generalized coordinates. LEC. 3 Hours. LEC. ARCE 760. 3 Hours. LEC. LEC. Power System Analysis II. We consider the conjunctive use of groundwater and surface water (demand-driven, supply-limited problems), and managed aquifer recharge (MAR). BIOE 899. LEC. Application of the principles of thermodynamics to the analysis and design of thermal systems. Present recent advances in computational fluid dynamics and heat transfer with a focus on numerical algorithms designed for unstructured grids, including grid generation, convergence acceleration techniques, high-order algorithms and parallel computing on CPU and GPU clusters. Enhanced Petroleum Recovery. This might seem impossible but with our highly skilled professional writers all your custom essays, book reviews, research papers and other custom tasks you order with us will be of high quality. Introduction to the Chemical Engineering Profession. Topics include: Cycles (Rankine, Brayton, refrigeration, etc. Control systems are designed based on the criteria of system stability and optimal system performance. A study of fundamental traits and behavior patterns of the road user and his or her vehicle in traffic. AE 731. Transitions. This ensures you receive industry-relevant foundational knowledge, practical experience and problem-solving skills that employers are seeking, both now and in the future. It provides a foundation in the mathematical sciences for later studies in science and engineering. Chemical Engineering Kinetics and Reactor Design. 1-5 Hours. Prerequisite: Corequisite: MATH 104. This course focuses on network-based information and communication systems, and examines network technologies and service applications to provide the students with a comprehensive introduction to the field of network security and its application. Application of real world driving profiles through homework assignments. 1-3 Hours. Topics will include new paradigms, enabling technologies, and challenges resulting from emerging application domains. LEC. The Petroleum major has a GPA requirement for specific courses to progress to the senior year courses. Prerequisite: CE 562 or consent of instructor. Viscoelasticity of Solids. Applications in aeronautics. Applications of Machine Learning in Bioinformatics. THE. Prerequisite: PHSX 511 and MATH 320. Comprehensive coverage of the disciplines of mobile and wireless networking, with an emphasis on architecture and protocols. Prerequisite: A course in elementary linear algebra (e.g.MATH 290), statistics (e.g. LEC. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. Low-observable vehicle design concepts. BIOE 801. LEC. Directed study and reporting of a specialized topic of interest in civil engineering or an allied field. THE. TCP/IP networks are stressed. An introduction to the planning and scheduling of projects, for both construction and design. Directed research and reporting of a specialized topic of interest to the architectural engineering profession. LEC. May not be taken for credit by students with credit in CE 577. Biomechanical Systems. Numerical solution of partial differential equations. The course presents both the underlying definitions and pragmatic implementation of these systems. Prerequisite: MATH 220, MATH 290, and CE 301 or equivalent. 3 Hours AE61. LEC. LEC. Prerequisite: ME 612 or equivalent. Finally, techniques for using lambda calculus to define, evaluate and type check common programming language constructs are presented. EECS 731 is a project-oriented course. Prerequisite: ME 201 or CE 201. A discussion of engineering logic through examination of current concepts in engineering education, practice and professional development. Multidimensional, multivariate (MDMV) visualization techniques; scattered data interpolation; perceptual issues. IND. LEC. LEC. Numerical Analysis II. A mathematical study of the minimization of functions. LEC. Prerequisite: IT 710 and one of the following: IT 422, EECS 563, or EECS 780. Introduction to Mechanics. LEC. Fundamental stages of software development are discussed: problem specification, program design, implementation, testing, and documentation. Prerequisite: EECS 730 and EECS 738. More information on graduate student funding is available here. Advanced Dynamics of Machinery. Credit/No Credit is allowed for courses used to fulfill KU Core GE 2.1 Written Communication, GE 2.2 Oral Communication, GE 3H Arts & Humanities, GE 3S Social Sciences, AE 4.1 Human Diversity, AE 4.2 Cultural & Global Awareness, and AE 5 Social Responsibility and Ethics requirements only.  If an Engineering department recommends that certain course work be used to fulfill any of these requirements, those courses shall not be eligible for Credit/No Credit.Â, Credit/No Credit is not an option for any credits counting towards aerospace, chemical, civil, or architectural engineering degrees.​​. LEC. LEC. HVAC&R Systems Design, Honors. ME 712. AE 743. Courses on special topics of current interest to engineers, such as ethics, engineering economics, engineering practice, communications, teamwork, and professional and career development. Basic radar principles and applications. Grade of C (not C-) required to progress. Drilling and Well Completion. 3 Hours. CE 191. PMGT 802. Includes variational energy principles, calculus of variations, stationary energy and complementary energy principles, and the principle of virtual work. EECS 828. LEC. Students placed on academic probation due to their graduate GPA must obtain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher within a given time frame, generally one semester, before they are moved to regular status. If you receive a cumulative grade point average below a 3.0 during your graduate career, you are considered ineligible for teaching and research assistantship positions or will need to petition the school and Graduate Studies office for approval. Advanced Steel Design - Building Structures. Study of the engineering properties of structural materials and their control with emphasis on timber, concrete, and steel. LEC. Computationally hard problems and the theory of NP-Completeness. C&PE 778. Principles of Engineering Management. -Ability to apply time valuations, cash flows, and taxation in project and operational environments. 3 Hours. Prerequisite: Corequisite: CE 310 or equivalent, or permission of instructor. A directed study of a particular complex problem in an area of civil engineering or allied field. Design decision making on the basis of cost. Overview and hands-on laboratory experiments using various experimental techniques available to the aerospace engineers (pressure probes, thermocouples, strain gauges, hot-wire anemometer, laser Doppler velocimeter, and flow visualization techniques). A fundamental treatment of heat transfer occurring during boiling and condensation. Prerequisite: C&PE 618 or permission of instructor. Teaching College Level Engineering and Science Practicum. Emphasis is placed on structure and the relation of structure to the behavior and properties of engineering materials. Introduction to the concept of databases and their operations. Engineering Ethics. Introduction to simple plastic design principles. Prerequisite: PMGT 818. 1-4 Hours. 3 Hours. Prerequisite: PMGT 816, Project Management-Master of Engineering plan code, or PMP Certified. EECS 639. Topics include thermodynamic and microbiological controls on water-rock reactions; kinetics; and microbiological, chemical and isotopic tools for interpreting water chemistry with respect to chemical weathering and shallow diagenesis. LEC. 3 Hours. LEC. Prerequisite: CE 751. This course emphasizes understanding of air pollution problems and their solution through engineering design and science. A lecture/laboratory course involving the design and implementation of prototypes of electrical and computer type products and systems. Prerequisite: ME 306 or CHEM 135 or CHEM 175 or CHEM 195. Topics span from classic information retrieval methods for text documents and databases, to recent developments in Web search, including: text algorithms, indexing, probabilistic modeling, performance evaluation, web structures, link analysis, multimedia information retrieval, social network analysis. Advanced Fiber-Optic Communications. Lectures and discussion on ethical issues in the conduct of a scientific career, with emphasis on practical topics of special importance in bioengineering. EECS 755. Not open to students with credit in CE 560. C&PE 721. One lecture and lab meets with ME 228, therefore ME 208 cannot be taken concurrently with ME 228, but should be taken in back-to-back semesters. LEC. Consent of the instructor. 3 Hours. LEC. AE 756. 3 Hours. Topics related to the issues of responsible scholarship in the fields of computing and electrical engineering will be discussed. This course provides a basic knowledge of Newtonian mechanics, rigid-body mechanics, elasticity and structural analysis. Prerequisite: EECS 168 and MATH 526 or EECS 461. Introduction to Astronautics. Prerequisite: Senior standing in engineering or the physical/biological sciences. 2 Hours. LEC. Automatic Controls for Building Mechanical Systems. Material and Energy Balances. Prerequisite: Students must have applied, interviewed, and been accepted as a Self Engineering Leadership Fellow. The Engineering Career Center offers services to all engineering students. Topics covered include crystal growth, oxidation, solid-state diffusion, ion implantation, photolithography, chemical vapor deposition, epitaxial growth, metalization, and plasma etching of thin films. LEC. Aircraft Antenna Systems. Prerequisite: EECS 140 or EECS 141, EECS 168 or EECS 169, and upper-level EECS eligibility. EECS 762. May be repeated for credit up to a maximum of four hours in the degree program. Students admitted provisionally must complete departmental / program requirements before they are considered in good standing. The course also contains generic skills required for tertiary study of engineering including: engineering ethics, sustainability and engineering design theory. Seminar topics will include an overview of the engineering profession, career opportunities within mechanical engineering, an introduction to the mechanical engineering department (faculty, research and student groups), and strategies to be successful at the university.

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